Citi Cards Social

Create 2 unique social campaigns for 5 cards to be viewed on 3 platforms

Inspiration for “Unlock Life” — a quick video moment in your news feed that plays a persona of each card.

“Unlock Life” concept highlighting each card persona – or consumer type. (Note: American Airlines only used stills). Future videos would be sound enabled and more regionally driving events or popular places.

Inspiration for “Hand Crafted” — a whimsical stop motion video using Play-doh to highlight the Limited-Time-Only offer of each card.

“Hand Crafted” concept highlighting the Limited Time Offer (LTO) of each card. Stop motion play-doh was hand crafted and shot at the agency. Future videos might illustrate places or things you could purchase, and or other hand crafted related videos.

B-Roll for Hand Crafted

Project was to develop 2 social campaigns for 5 Citi cards to be viewed on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The client requested one conservative direction, and the other option more out there.

  • Role Creative Lead

  • For Citi

  • Date 2017

Up Next:

Citi Costco